Isee 2024

Isee 2023, what is it for?

Waiting for the green light of the maneuver by the European Commission . In the meantime, we are wondering how it will change, and if it will, even the Isee, given that many bonuses and aid for families depend on this indicator. The ISEE is the indicator of the equivalent economic situation, a tool that makes it possible to measure the economic condition of families in the Italian Republic. It is an indicator that takes into account assets, income and the characteristics of the family nucleus.

To date, the following contributions can be requested through the Isee value:

  • Citizenship income and pension;
  • Single universal allowance for dependent children;
  • Rent bonus;
  • First home bonus for young people under 36;
  • Exemption from the health ticket;
  • Daycare Bonus;
  • emergency income;
  • Energy bonus and bills;
  • Reduction of tuition fees;
  • Culture, school and music bonus

Isee 2023 what are the possible changes?

The budget law, signed by the Meloni government, seems to be moving in a different direction. In fact it goes towards the introduction of the family quotient a new indicator that should replace the ISEE as a reference parameter for incentives and bonuses. However, the quotient takes into account not only the total income of a family, but also the number of members of the same nucleus and the presence of any disabled persons.

Another novelty concerns the DSU. Indeed if it seems that the Self- declaration The only one made available by the INPS has downgraded the ISEE a little. The new text of the law contains the following provision: " Starting from 1 July 2023, the presentation of the DSU by the citizen takes place as a priority in pre-compiled mode, without prejudice to the possibility of submitting it also by ordinary means". While from December 2022 the Isee of which the DSU is a fundamental element will lose effectiveness. So it seems that there are six months of transience, or else everything will really change with the family quotient.